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Evelien Renders.

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What makes me tick

About me

Complex processes, manageable data, and interoperability between systems make me happy. With a commitment to public values and open standards, I advocate for communication, trust, and collaboration between IT stakeholders in higher education.

“Time is my most valuable asset.”


More of a numbers person?

Some stats

Years alive

businesses started

Websites made

Workshops given

Want to read my mind?

My thoughts

For me, writing this blog is practice, archiving, reflection, contemplation, and if you join it might even become interaction!

Efficient Procrastination: Embracing the Ride

Efficient Procrastination: Embracing the Ride

There's a certain sensation I know all too well, a nagging feeling that most of us might term 'procrastination'. It's that lingering weight on your shoulders, the knowledge that a task awaits, but you just can't seem to tackle it head-on. Science provides a lens to...

The Universal Urge to Integrate: Tech Meets Tantra

The Universal Urge to Integrate: Tech Meets Tantra

Good morning! In my daily work, I interact with a number of integration architects, and I can't help but marvel at the striking similarities and differences they share with the age-old concept of 'integration' in Tantra. These architects are some of the highest-paid...

Watching peppers grow

Watching peppers grow

These last few weeks, I've been amazed with the natural world once again. Over the course of three months, I saw a tiny seed, grow from small delicate plant to a strong thriving one. Just some water, soil, light and warmth... Perhaps with a bit of love in there....

Take a Peek into

My Projects

Higher Education

January 2019 – Now


September 2018 – September 2019


May, 2019


September, 2018

Questions, remarks, or feedback?

Get In Touch

If you want to interact publicly, you can comment on my blogs. Otherwise, shoot me a message at hello@evelienrenders.com 

Based in Nijmegen, the Netherlands

Evelien Renders

Change Enthusiast